ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | Richard Weikart and Hector Avalos | Darwin and Hitler Debate 2008 | Darwin and Hitler Debate 2008 | |
2. | Richard Weikart and Hector Avalos | Darwin and Hitler Debate 2008 | Darwin and Hitler Debate 2008 | |
3. | Dr. George Johnson, Washington University | Darwin Day: Darwin confronts intelligent design | Ethical Society of St. Louis | |
4. | Dr. George Johnson, Washington University | Darwin Day: Darwin confronts intelligent design | Ethical Society of St. Louis | |
5. | Dinesh D'Souza and Dan Barker | Christianity vs. Atheism Debate 2008 | Christianity vs. Atheism Debate 2008 | |
6. | Dinesh D'Souza and Dan Barker | Christianity vs. Atheism Debate 2008 | Christianity vs. Atheism Debate 2008 | |
7. | Dinesh D'Souza and Dan Barker | Christianity vs. Atheism Debate 2008 | Christianity vs. Atheism Debate 2008 | |
8. | Matthew Chapman | Guest: Matthew Chapman, Author, Filmmaker & Darwin's Great-great Grandson & Updates on FFRF's "Praise Darwin" Billboard | Freethought Radio | |
9. | Greg Szymanski | 0226-2008-LRN-Hr1-Hr2-Part 2-Eric Jon Phelps and Leo Zagami debate | Inv Journal Feb 2008 | |
10. | Greg Szymanski | 0219-2008-LRN-Hr1-Hr2-Part 1-Eric Jon Phelps and Leo Zagami debate | Inv Journal Feb 2008 | |
11. | President George W. Bush | President Bush Attends United Nations High-Level Debate on Interfaith Dialogue - November 13, 2008 | Presidential Speeches & Remarks | |
12. | Carnivore | Jesus Hitler | Retaliation | |
13. | Benjamin Weissman | Hitler Ski Story | Oostend 1994 | |
14. | Broth | Fear Hitler | | |
15. | Radio E | Laughing at Hitler | Network Europe | |
16. | Original Broadway Cast The Producers | Springtime For Hitler | The Producers Original Broadway Cast Recording | |
17. | German Military Marches | Adolf Hitler | Inni | |
18. | Susan Campbell Bartoletti | Hitler Youth | | |
19. | Emocapella | Even Hitler Had A Girlfriend | | |
20. | gert 3000 | i am a disco hitler | disco hitler | |
21. | esencia21 | Las Reliquias de Hitler | | |
22. | DJ Adolf | Hitler Chaos | Hatesampler | |
23. | Benjamin Weissman | Hitler Ski Story | Oostend 1994 | |
24. | Chenard Walcker | Adolf Hitler | L'Ane Vetu de la Peau de Lion [fsz002] | |
25. | DJ Adolf | Hitler Chaos | Hatesampler | |
26. | My Beats | Hitler Rap-Zekk mix | | |
27. | DJ Adolf | Hitler Chaos | Hatesampler | |
28. | DJ Adolf | Adolf Hitler | Hatesampler | |
29. | BBC | HITLER�S RISE TO POWER | GCSE Bitesize History | |
30. | Carson Robison | Hitler's Last Letter to Hirohito | | |